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200$ for part time and 400$ for fll time package

part time and full time seo workers


We have 2 strategies

part time and full time strategies

part time strategy needs 4 hours work every day

Here’s what we will do for part time strategy

1.Submit your site to 20 directories EVERY DAY
2.Submit your inner page to 10 bookmarking sites (after finishing one inner page, we go to the other)
3.Submit each page to the top 20 rss feed directories (it may be for 1 week based on the number of pages you have).
4.Submit you article to 5 article directories EVERY DAY
5.Submit your press release to 3 press release sites EVERY DAY
6.Submit your site to 10 high PR forum profiles like Angela and Paul’s
7.Submit your video to top 1 video submission sites and then bookmarking and pinging those video links
8.Making 5 forum posts in 2 different forums which are related to your keywords every day(you can add your link in the signature with a new account )
9.Creating 1 web 2.0 pages and bookmark and ping those pages EVERY DAY
10.Making 5-10 comments on blogs which are related to your keywords
11.Submit all the created links like bookmarking links, article links and press release links,video links to rss feeds and pinging all of them

Full time strategy needs 8 hours work every day

Here’s what we will do for Full time strategy

1.Submit your site to 20 directories EVERY DAY
2.Submit your inner page to 20 bookmarking sites (after finishing one inner page, we go to the other)
3.Submit each page to the top 20 rss feed directories (it may be for 1 week based on the number of pages you have).
4.Submit you article to 10 article directories EVERY DAY
5.Submit your press release to 6 press release sites EVERY DAY
6.Submit your site to 20 high PR forum profiles like Angela and Paul’s
7.Submit your video to top 2 video submission sites and then bookmarking and pinging those video links
8.Making 10 forum posts in 4 different forums which are related to your keywords every day(you can add your link in the signature with a new account )
9.Creating 2 web 2.0 pages and bookmark and ping those pages EVERY DAY
10.Making 10-20 comments on do follow blogs which are related to your keywords
11.Submit all the created links like bookmarking links, article links and press release links,video links to rss feeds and pinging all of them

And i have few more things in between, based on the type of website you have.
Imagine if we continue this for 1-2 months.
You will be getting lots and lots of back links – even in thousands

Slow and steady links without spamming

If you think you have a lot of competition and feel discouraged, check out my seo strategy

And no matter what type of site it is it may be affiliate site,cpa and any site it may be this is the way we can get to first page of google

and also we have link builders who are highly experienced in these strategies and we are offering these strategies for very less price

for part time strategy we charge $200 and for full time strategy we charge $400

and we will send the daily report of where we submitted your sites


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